Saturday, 26 March 2016


WOW! Its been ages since I’ve been wanting to start a blog but it just wasn’t working out! Writer’s block as we like to call it.  As I was googling out some blog sites to be a part of, Blog Adda came to my rescue. I must say, I totally love the Write over the Weekend (WOW) initiative as it gives that tad bit of a push, which well, I definitely needed. Here goes my first blog post.

Kill the Cliché is the prompt of the week, so let’s get down to business. What’s a cliché? The dictionary meaning states it as that stereotyped expression or sentence or phrase which has been used and abused over time and is absolutely irrelevant. In other words, wahi ghissi piti line jo sunke kan pak jaate hain. So, according to me, a typical cliché of our century, especially in India is, “Ladies can’t drive” or “Ladki hai, gaadi chala payegi kya?”

Some of you may not agree to categorize this as a cliché, but look at it closely. Today, women walk head-to-head with men in every possible field known to the world and we still choose to push them in a category which states that if you are a woman, you’re just not a good enough driver or worse, you’re not capable enough to even drive.

I’ve been driving from the past 6 years and haven’t looked back since. And one huge motivation for me has been my mother. If she hadn’t to push me to drive, I would’ve ended up like those frightened lot of girls who dread even touching the steering wheel. Interestingly, I have observed so many males get frightened of the fact that their female counterparts will be driving them around for the day. Is it even necessary? I truly believe that it is the duty of men to encourage and support the women in their lives to go ahead and drive and also teach them if need be.
Women today are seen at the forefront, confidently driving school buses as well as cab services in different parts of the country. Today we also see a boom in driving schools started by women and for women, which provides an impetus to this initiative. These women and many more have embarked on the journey of women empowerment. And driving is just one such cause. These are women who are examples of why such typical clichés must be rooted out immediately.  This blog is shout out from every woman in the country who wants all the people to cry out loud, kill the cliché and say, YES, WOMEN CAN DRIVE!

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.